
Fnap lore: 

Fnap Chapter 1: The Beginning

Wolliam suston was a happy person having in the year 2169, there was a pizzeria called pancakes pizzeria made by wolliam suston and Horny emy. One day, there was a bomb in the pizzeria made by J. Alex killing horny. but wolliam barely survives. J. Alex did not get caught, and unfortunately, he looked very similar to the night guard. The animatronics becom evil and also Wolliam because horny was the one who controlled them and they want to kill the night guard because they thought he was J. Alex. And you are the night guard and phone guy helps you by calling you And in fnap 3 your table broke And you were so sad you destroyed your whole office And your stuck in the rooms with the animatronik And then you get out but they kidnap you into the the rooms again but this time in a place where it was more dangerous because the animatronics built obstacles but you escape and they kidnapped phone guy so you free him And wolliam lives and says I always come back 

Fnap Chapter 2: The End?

5 years later

wolliam makes mega versions of the animatronics and they attack you but you win without phone guy (he went to eat pizza) Then they put you in a simulation but you didn’t notice And in the simulation you go to the back rooms Then the simulation bugged and you wake up and find out your in a simulation You escape and go to the office where animatronics command simulations and finally kill them once and for all. You find wolliam who now doesnt have anything to defend himself with and tell the police, which arrested him. You think, now its over and nothing can go wrong. You go to phone guy and then go home together. Its finally the end.

it was not.

Fnap Chapter 3: The Ultimate Fight

the moment you open the door of your house every thing went pitch black. suddenly a huge bang was heard and You jump up from the bed. "huh? where is pancake? where is wolliam?" You're extremely confused. You start looking outside, and, its realistic! "what happened??" You start exploring the real world when you realized all of this was a dream. "it cant be, It felt so real" but then you start seeing weird things. You see a pancake and stare at it and after a while it becomes alive and kidnaps you.

You wake up in a weird place. It looks like The office, but its darker and scarier. Thats because when it all went pitch black, it was not a dream. It was the animatronics trying to make you think it was a dream so they could surprise you. They never died. They were destroyed but they put themselves back together and now they are going to fight you. in the office. phone guy luckily comes back to save but then you see a new animatronic called king ohio and you fight him and you escape but its not over yet... The animatronics realize they are too weak so they decide to build an animatronic by themselves called "algernon".  

Algernon gets defeated very quickly. The animatronics give up. Except, they had a final plan that would defeat the night guard once and for all. 

Fnap Chapter 4

The animatronics are tired, so they have a plan. They try to modify breaddy so that hes stronger, but end up making breaddy go insane and destroy all animatronics and going to a restaurant and killing many people, and in that restaurant was phone guy, so you go to the restaurant. You go to that restaurant, but he locks you and you have to escape. Luckly, Phone guy already escaped and gave you a letter to read.
He states that the only way to exit is through the O portal. The O portal is a gymmick that that restaurant put that works like this: When you exit the restaurant, there is no exit and you can go through the O portal by thinking of any place and going there when you pass through. You escape to your house. And its all over.

breaddy is now gone insane and is almost destroyed. He tries to trap you one last time, using your own house as a trap by transforming it while you sleep but you escape finally and defeat breaddy.

Fnap Chapter 5

Propolean is a guy who planned all of this. All of this. From the lore given here, we know wolliam and the animatronics were mad at the night guard because he looked similar to J. Alex, but this is actually not true. Only wolliam had this motivation, but the animatronics didn't even see who bombed the pizzeria. And here is where Propolean comes. He breaked into the pizzeria and modified the animatronic to want to kill the night guard. From what we know, Propolean had connections with wolliam and helped him build the giant animatronics and also encouraged him to kill the night guard, or as he said, "J. Alex", as wolliam was not sure about this plan and thought he might be going too far. But who was this "Propolean" guy anyway? 

He was J. Alex.

All of it.


All planned by him.

When he was talking to wolliam he was disguised.

But why?

Propolean went to check on wolliam and if he had killed the night guard.

He still didnt.

He became mad and asked him why he still didnt kill him.

wolliam: "Why are you so desperate in killing him?!"


Wolliam: "I dont think this is right"

Propolean: "oh dont you turn on me"

Wollaim: "I think i just di-"

Blood. Propolean stabbed him and revealed who he was.

Wolliam was shocked and as he was dying he asked "Why?"

Propolean stabbed him one more time. 

The night guard was propoleans brother.

Thats why they were so similar.

One day the night guard saw propolean trying to kill a person outside so he ran away and propolean saw this as a betrayal so he always wanted to ruin his life from that point.

The animatroniks simply would not give up. They kept going and going, tormenting the night guard. One day the night guard managed to destroy them but they just put themselves back immediately.

The Fnap Movie:

the movie begins with 4 big black oily sweaty men

it zooms in on one of the guys and he gets shot by a sniper

then the movie starts

Narrator: “PooPooGuy and Horny emi make the funi restaurant 

then they make the animatronic. PooPooguy was SUSSY THO!!!!!”

“So he made the pancake animatronics evil and kill many children” Narrator: next we zoom into a different person called Algernon Johnson a Prisoner at alcatraz for tax evasion mass murder and armed robbery 

Algernon: ugh life in prison sucks. 

Prison guard: alright your free to go Al get out of your cell your free to8 go 

Algernon: why? 

Prison guard: someone named codename susman174 payed your bail now get out

Algernon: well that was unexpected

Then we go back to poopooguy and he killed codename: susman174, the son of poopooguy and he is very sad

so horny emi shot poopooguy

but he survived the gunshots

then poopooguy makes pancake epik by making him robot

he also mmakes breaddy

but the protagonist kills them

except for breaddy

breaddy defeats him

and he kills more children

the protagonist goes to the place where he murdererd the kids but then gets locked and tries to escape. (Fnap 12)

bigusi block then shows up and gets inside poopooguy

algernon gets a new girlfriend called “I absolutely do not have a penis” but they break up

then algernon says “i will never fall in love again” and becomes emo

then susman174 soul tries to attack bigusi block but he dies

aadn then the protagonist goes and fighten the bigusi block and *veri epok *

he wins and evything happy :)))))

except there is still algernon fueled by his rage because “I absolutely do not have a penis” broke up with him so he destroy joe biden

then we cut back to the 4 big guys which are now only 3 big guys

and then everyone dies.

algernon goes to the protagnosits and try to kill on his spaxe ship but he eat rock and algernon dies.then algernons body is cumming on everyone and they hapey andeing

The End

"WOW! That was a great movie!"

"no it wasnt, nothing in this movie is correct and the plot is a clusterfuck of random shit"


"Jake, please never make a movie again. Your a night guard not a director. Also, your name isnt even Balls"


The lore has been copy-pasted from the original Fnap site by Christian